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Losing Enthusiasm: A Symbolic Death/Defeat

The loss of enthusiasm is the greatest of all losses. It is a pathway to bankruptcy in character, mannerisms, and style.

 For it is the key pillar on which rests the foundations of simplicity and even of excellence. 

Not even triviality survives in the absence of zealousness. Your enthusiasm mustn't be directed with the motivation of the "ideal", make it unconditional; so even in times of challenges, imperfectness, and obstacles the one thing you won't lose because of your unexistinguishable enthusiasm is hope, allowing you to dwell into acceptance and keep on moving forward.    

A commitment doesn't require sacrifices rather communication and comprehension. Communication is crucial to comprehend what are the desires, be it expressed or unexpressed of the other person in the relationship. Allowing a safe space devoid of any judgment is the first step to comprehending those desires and making your relationship stronger. Many things may not be in your control but what is directly controlled by you is your relationship and the choices you make are going to affect it, so why not make the ones that make your relationship stronger?

The unconditional enthusiasm you have will help you in times of failure to rise up victorious even when defeated. Being able to face a challenge again despite of not surpassing your goal is a victory essential and much more significant than the goal itself. Not giving up or giving in, rather choosing to put your strength into achieving what you desire is the essence of the human spirit, live up to that.

Whatever fuels your flame energizes your interests, desires, and abilities. Wisdom, energy, and enthusiasm deliver your destiny; enthusiasm releases the drive to overcome obstacles and adds meaning to everything you do. Enthusiasm is the true secret to success.


Image Credit: Unsplash


Aryan Gulati

An avid reader, researcher, and versatile content writer who is still learning and enjoys the company of animals and books on a peaceful Sunday evening.

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