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Building The Workplace Ecosystem

"Avoid him who talks sweetly before you but tries to ruin behind your back, for he is like a pitcher of poison with milk on top." - Chanakya

Virat works with a pharmaceutical company based in Mumbai. When the company was setting up its business only two employees were hired, and Virat was one of them. Virat was trusted and liked by all since he handled clients very well, was quick in adapting new things, and had the curiosity of a child, always wanting to learn something new. 

With time the business expanded and more employees were hired. This tarnished Virat's image in the office because new employees got jealous of them, and new employees were also insecure with regard to their job. Due to which they began playing dirty office politics against Virat. They often misguided their boss about Virat. This ruined Virat's relationship with the boss who fired him unnecessarily too without knowing his side of the story. This further encouraged the new employees to play even more dirty politics against Virat because they saw that the boss trusts them blindly.

Office politics take place when the employees are insecure about their job. Wanting a promotion or attention from the boss, jealousy towards the other employees, ego problems or too much free time in the workplace give rise to office politics. Office politics are harmful not only for the employees but also for the company. This gives rise to a negative work environment and psychological problems such as increased stress levels and low satisfaction. Let's look at the ways by which we can eradicate office politics.

Ways by which we can reduce office politics.

"Empty mind, devil's house", we usually hear our parents and grandparents saying this. This is likely to be true. One of the main reasons behind office politics is ample idle time. This is the team leader or the boss's responsibility to keep the employees as much engaged as possible. Assign them tasks, set deadlines. Leave no scope of them seating idols during office hours. This will solve half of the problems.

Give scope for office friendship to grow. Give your employees opportunities to understand each other Aa to build a bond of friendship with colleagues. Assign tasks that involve everyone working together, make them realize the importance of teamwork and each member working as a team. Take them out for office picnics and vacations providing them with more opportunities to understand each other. Open your office doors to welcome festivals, let your employees celebrate festivals together.

Give your employees a chance to grow and learn things together. Give them scope to discuss projects, work-related queries and issues, give them a chance for healthy debates. Keep the cabin doors open for them to enter with their queries. All the employees in the office should get equal treatment. 

Maintaining office decorum and rules too seems very helpful. There should be an invisible line between personal and professional life. Be friendly with your employees but maintain a limit, the same should be followed by the employees. One in the workplace should have the right to bring up anyone's issues and put them down. 

Transparency about projects, goals, and targets is a must. All the employees should know the company goals and all of them should be made equally responsible and accountable for accomplishing them. All the sensitive professional conversations should take place through email or chat leaving no scope behind for anyone to cook up false stories. 

In the end, a positive attitude and mindset is a must. The office is a place to work and make money not to tarnish anyone else's image or to harm them. What you throw up comes back down so remember what you'll give you'll get. Not interfering with other employees' work or life should be the first promise of an employee to themselves.


Author : Riddhi Gohil  

A determined and ambitious woman with endless dreams. Reading and writing are what make me happy.  

Image Credit: Unsplash

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