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Little Bit Of Motivation, Works Wonders.

2020 wasn't a great year for human civilization. It was a year no one expected or predicted to be, full of natural disasters and pandemic. With most of the countries including the USA remaining in lockdown for almost 2 months, People adapted to the new normal with online studies and work from home. Work from home became a trend now but it started a long time ago, probably before the current Pandemic

According to a recent survey conducted by the online job portal Indeed, most of the employees working from home in the metropolitan cities of India are looking forward to a solution for the covid -19 and to resume work from the office. Work from home is becoming more and more stressful with passing time. 

Work from home involves many things which include restructuring work, motivating the employees, making them working with the same energy and dedication towards the work, and instigating new skills that will help them with work from home in the long run. This year is uncertain and with the second wave of the pandemic, it looks like the coming year too will be uncertain.

 At such uncertain times, it's very crucial to prepare your employees for every upcoming challenge. The companies in order to keep the employees working need to provide them with all the requirements to facilitate work from home. Train them to operate new software and apps like google meet, google office, create new common documents, do online presentations, handle clients online, and skills that will help them work from home. 

This year has been a very demotivating time and it’s important that every employee of the company stays motivated. If there are some employees who get demotivated it is important that they get motivated again. To make them feel motivated nothing much has to be done. Make them feel they are important and worthy of the company. Tell them how much their presence matters in the company. Give equal work and importance to all the employees. Recognize their efforts and appreciate it. Appreciation is what is desired by every employee. When they get appreciated they automatically get motivated. 

As we all know the coming years are full of uncertainty where no one will be able to predict how the situation will be in the future. This is the time the situation changes from better to worse at any time. In this situation, the employee should be prepared both mentally and physically for work from home. They should be inculcated with skills that would help them not only now but also in the future. Like operating online software and apps, doing presentations online, coming with online meets, etc. These skills are useful not only for work from home but when the employees resume work from the office these skills will help them to handle international meetings and clients. 

2020 was very crucial and difficult which brought along many lessons for human civilization. Every single genre of life was affected. Everything just stopped and felt as if life ended. But see we are in 2021, with new hope, new goals, and new targets. Remember this is just a phase and this too shall pass soon. Nothing on earth is permanent. The almighty God is testing us and our patience and making us stronger in order to face the future. Just remember the lessons 2020 taught you the biggest one being both mental and physical health matters equally. 

So take care of this and the rest will be taken care of on its own and keep working hard and giving your best. Take breaks, give yourself some rest, Take a break for a while, get your mind filled with positive energy and get back to the work with the same dedication and determination. For example if you are too tired with work from home and laptop or PC screen ask for a leave, spend some quality time with yourself and  family, practice yoga and meditation, and your hobbies. Which will relax your mind and body and fill it with positivity. 


Author : Riddhi Gohil  

A determined and ambitious woman with endless dreams. Reading and writing are what make me happy.  

Image Credit : Unsplash

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